Beyond The Breakdown: Lesser-Known Services Offered By Roadside Assistance

When you think of roadside assistance, what likely comes to mind are services like towing, jump-starting a dead battery, or changing a flat tire. While these are indeed common offerings, many roadside assistance programs offer a range of lesser-known services that can prove invaluable in various situations. This blog aims to shed light on some of these additional services that could come to your rescue when you least expect it.

Fuel Delivery

Running out of gas can happen to anyone, especially during long road trips or when you're caught up in your busy life. Some roadside assistance services offer fuel delivery, ensuring you don't have to abandon your vehicle and trek to the nearest gas station. They'll deliver enough gas to get you back on the road and to a fuel station to fill up.

Lockout Service

If you've ever accidentally locked your keys in your car, you know how something like this can ruin your day. Many roadside assistance programs provide lockout service, dispatching a professional to unlock your vehicle. Some services even offer locksmith assistance if a key needs to be made or replaced.

Extrication or Winching Service

If your vehicle gets stuck in the mud, snow, or a ditch, you're going to need more than a tow truck. This is where extrication or winching service comes in. Roadside assistance providers that offer this service will send out a specially equipped vehicle to pull your car free.

Trip Interruption Coverage

A lesser-known benefit of some roadside assistance programs is trip interruption coverage. If you're a certain distance from home and your trip is delayed due to an accident or mechanical breakdown, your roadside assistance may cover expenses like meals, lodging, and alternative transportation.

Concierge Services

Some premium roadside assistance packages include concierge services. These can range from trip planning help, including mapping out routes and locating hotels, to making emergency calls on your behalf, such as informing family members of your situation or contacting emergency services.

Roadside assistance offers much more than just help during a breakdown. With services ranging from fuel delivery to trip interruption coverage and even concierge services, a roadside assistance membership can provide immense value and peace of mind. It's always a good idea to familiarize yourself with the full range of services your program offers — you never know when you might need them.

Contact a professional to learn more about roadside assistance
